
Hope on Wheels: Reaching vulnerable mothers right where they are.

Your support directly empowers expectant mothers and their families on their journey towards a brighter future.

Our goal is ambitious yet essential: to raise $200,000for the purchase of a new mobile ultrasound clinic. This effort is more than just a campaign; it’s a commitment to the well-being of expectant mothers and their families, especially in unreached and vulnerable at-risk communities.

Your support has the power to bring profound change:

  • Enhancing Prenatal Care: By modernizing our mobile ultrasound technology, we provide expectant mothers with a unique window into the life they are nurturing. This technology is crucial for fostering a deep and lasting bond between mother and child. The first look also provides an opportunity for medical referral of any early pregnancy complications, for further care.
  • Protecting Mother, Baby, and Community through STI Testing: STDs can complicate pregnancy and may have serious effects on both mothers and developing babies. Some of these problems may be seen at birth; others may not be discovered until months or years later, including blindness, lung deformities, and even death.
  • Overcoming Transportation Barriers: Mothers in underserved communities often struggle to find reliable or affordable transportation. The purchase of a mobile clinic allows us to reach them, right where they need us. While our main clinic location is in the southern half of Summit County, the mobile clinic allows us to reach transportation-challenged, low-income mothers in Akron, as well as frightened pregnant students at Kent State University. 

Your donation, whether big or small, is more than a contribution—it’s a beacon of hope ushered into neighborhoods where it is desperately needed. It signals your trust in our mission and your commitment to the journey of life that begins long before birth. 

Your support is not just appreciated; it is essential. It enables us to continue offering a sanctuary of support and empowerment for those stepping into the journey of parenthood.

With your help, we can ensure that every heartbeat we support is strong, every story we protect is safe, and every journey we nurture is filled with hope.